Facilitated by
Amy Tuttle
Saturday | 10:00am - 2:00pm | Mar. 29th
$29 to Members | $49 for Non-Members
The Hive: A Center for Contemplation, Art, and Action | In Person
1628 Hoffner St Cincinnati, OH 45223
About the Class
In this half-day retreat, participants will experience a variety of poetic practices and somatic embodiment techniques to cultivate authentic expression and connection. Poetry and Attunement will be an exploration of living practices of writing and movement. We will slow down together and feel. This retreat focuses less on “correct” writing and lenses towards sincerity and expression. This will be an opportunity to attune to what’s real for you, in the present moment, and let movement and poetry take shape from the living moment. Come share your stories, practice deep listening, and find support in the unfolding of your understanding of self and community.
Intention of the Hive
When you join a Hive experience, you're invited into our intention to create a group experience that's inclusive, rooted in mindfulness, and dynamically relational. We aspire for each Hive experience to model these intentions, and even to refine them as we continue to learn how to gather in a way that's transformative! The embodiment of these intentions by Hive facilitators, Members, and class participants is what makes the Hive the unique and healing social container that many experience it to be. To view our Hive Intentions for gathering, click here.
More About the Facilitators
Amy Tuttle
is an artist, guide, and community builder. She loves supporting individuals and communities with creative expression, story-based connection, and trauma-support. Amy believes the arts are a deep resource for personal growth, community-building, and cultural transformation.