The Call of the Wild: A SoulCollage® Experience- Afternoon

Facilitated by Fabrícia Duell
Tuesdays 2p; 1/8–2/12
6-Week Course
$144 or $15 for Members (cost covers materials)

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Keeping a Gratitude Art Journal: Leaning into a Positive Creative Practice

Facilitated by Barb Smucker
Wednesdays 9:30a; 9/12–10/3
4-week Course
$99 or $10 for Members (cost covers materials)

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Writing From Where You Are

Facilitated by Gerry Grubbs
Mondays, 7pm
May 8 - June 19

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Art Making and Creative Play

Facilitated by Barb Smucker
Wednesdays 10am-Noon
May 10 - June 14

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