A Bowl of Grace

by Rachel DesRochers, Hive Facilitator


Before I talk a bit about grace, can we all just stand up for a second and do a big ol’ shame shake. Get up. Put your phone down and for 30 seconds MOVE YOUR BODY. Shake it off. Shake the shame. Shake the guilt. Shake the unknown. Shake it off, shake it off. 

Now, a big deep breath. Exhale. And again. 

A reframe. 

I woke up with the word grace dancing in my head. Looking up definitions of grace, I’ve found this in the dictionary: simple elegance or refinement of movement and courteous goodwill. 

Below it was the tab- spiritual definition of grace, ahh maybe more of what I am looking for. It’s defined as the divine influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptations; and as an individual virtue or excellence of divine origin. 

So I propose this question - What if we’ve been given a gift of grace? 

I am not trying to sugarcoat or deter from the big feelings we are all experiencing, but rather bring to the table a way to, well, create some grace for ourselves amidst the big feelings. 


Can we offer ourselves divine influence right now? 

Can we endure trials?

Can we sit with our divine origin?


That is grace. The grace where there is an exhale. An action. A moment. 

Can you offer yourself grace as we’ve all entered a space we’ve never been in before?

Can you offer yourself grace in trying to balance working from home, being your kids “teacher” or experiencing isolation? 

Can you offer yourself grace as you navigate a new normal? 

We are two months in, being together, being asked to be still, being asked to exhale, being asked to go inward, being asked to receive, being asked to find some grace. 

We can be afraid and welcome grace to come in and sit with us. We can be worried and seek moments of grace inbetween moments of worry. I am wondering the more we open to receive grace, do the moments of worry become less and less? 

I am sending us all a bowl of grace today, may it show up gently for you and remind you of your divine origin, your enoughness, your worth. 

In Gratitude, Love and Quarantine, 
